1 Step Express

Begin your trading journey with the 1 Step Express Evaluation to demonstrate your skills and eligibility.

What is the leverage in 1 Step Express?

We offer leverage of up to 1:30. For currency pairs, the leverage is 1:30; for metals and energies it is 1:10; for indices 1:15; and for stocks 1:10.

What is the Consistency Rule in 1 Step Express?

The consistency rule ensures traders maintain steady performance over designated trading days without relying on large singular trades to meet a profit target. It applies as follows:

Consistency Target:

$5K to $10K Accounts: 0.3% of initial balance

$20K to $100K Accounts: 0.5% of initial balance

$200K to $400K Accounts: 1% of initial balance

1 Step Express:

Achieve the Consistency Target for at least 3 days

Traders must achieve profitability within the specified number of days and meet the daily profit requirement for their account size

How to calculate the 6% Max Trailing Drawdown in 1 Step Express?

When the account's floating equity reaches the maximum drawdown level, it will be considered a hard breach.

The maximum trailing drawdown is initially set at 6% of your account's starting balance and adjust upward as your account balance increases, trailing the high water mark of closed balance. However, this limit is capped at the initial funded amount during the authorized live account stage.

Example 1: If your starting balance is $100,000, you can drawdown to $94,000 before violating the Maximum Trailing Drawdown rule.

Example 2: If your account balance increases to $102,000 in closed balance, this becomes your new high-water mark.

Maximum Trailing Drawdown = $102,000 x 6% = $6,120

Maximum Trailing Drawdown level would be $102,000 - $6,120 = $95,880.

Example 3: If your live account increases to $106,400 in closed balance, the Maximum Trailing Drawdown will be locked at your starting balance of $100,000. As long as you do not exceed the daily loss limit of 3%, you can continue to trade indefinitely.

How to calculate the 3% Daily Loss Limit in 1 Step Express?

When the account's floating equity reaches the daily loss limit, it will be considered a hard breach.

The daily loss limit is the maximum amount your account can lose in a single day. It is calculated based on the balance from the previous day, which resets daily at 00:00 GMT+2 (Standard Time) or GMT+3 (Daylight Saving Time). The daily loss limit is determined as a fixed amount. For example, on a $100,000 account, the daily loss limit is $3,000.

Example 1: If your balance at the end of the previous day (23:50 GMT+2 or GMT+3) was $100,000, your account would exceed the daily loss limit if your equity dropped to $97,000 during the day.

Example 2: If your floating equity is +$5,000 on a $100,000 account, your maximum daily loss for the new day (23:50 GMT+2 or GMT+3) is still based on your balance from the previous day ($100,000). Therefore, your daily loss limit remains at $97,000.

Example 3: If you make a $5,000 profit on a $100,000 account, your new balance at the end of the day would be $105,000. For the next day (23:50 GMT+2 or GMT+3), your daily loss limit is calculated based on this new balance, meaning your limit would be $101,850 (3% Daily Loss Limit).

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